Monday, November 1, 2010

Uus kuu, vanad probleemid / New Month, Old Problems

Iga kord, kui ma UvA infokeskusesse lähen, leiavad nad seal uusi võimalusi, mida minu probleemiga veel tegema peaks. Preili šokolaad eriti innovatiivne ei olnud ja eelistas helistamist, tänane tüdruk leidis aga, et ta peaks mu 52€ maksmist tõendava tšeki sisse skännima ja edasi saatma. Nagu ta ise seletas, siis selleks, et need finantsteenuse töötajad ikka usuks, et ma olen tõesti maksnud. Miks preili šokolaad selle peale ei tulnud või miks tema märke mu maksmise kohta süsteemist üles leidis, selle kohta mul selgitus puudub. Igatahes lubas see tüdruk, kellega ma täna rääkisin, mind e-maili saatmisel bcc'sse panna. Ja kiri, mis pidi koosnema umbes paarist reast ja ühest attachment'ist ei ole siiani mu postkasti potsatanud. Ma ei tea, kas see on veel üks näide teemast 'palju kisa, vähe villa'. Ma loodan, et mitte. Vastasel juhul pean ma sel nädalal veelkord infokeskusesse minema ja kui päris aus olla, olen ma sellest kõigest ammu surmani tüdinenud.
PS. Veidi peale selle postituse kirjutamist sain ma selle lubatud kirja oma postkasti. Seega on infokeskuse poolt asi käima lükatud ja jääb üle vaid oodata ja loota, et äkki nüüd saab kõik lahendatud. Mind ennast ka üllatab, kuidas ma pole ikka veel lootust kaotanud!

Every time when I go to the information centre of Uva, they found new ways to deal with my problem. Miss chocolate wasn't too innovative and preferred phoning, but the girl I spoke with today, decided to scan in the check that proves that I've paid my 52€ and forward it. And explained that otherwise those finance people might not know that I have paid. Why miss chocolate didn't do it or how she found the proof of my payment in the system, I have no idea. Anyway, today's girl promised to add me to bcc when sending the e-mail, but I still haven't received anything to my inbox. I am still wondering how long can it take to compose an e-mail that's consisting of a couple of lines and an attachment. Maybe this is just another example of the Dutch, who like to talk a lot and do nothing, but I really hope it's not. Otherwise I have to go back to the information centre this week and I to be totally honest, I am already so tired of doing this.
PS. About half an hour after writing this post, I received that e-mail in my inbox. It seems, that the Information Centre has made its move and now I just have to wait for the reply of the finance people and hope it will be fixed this time. I am quite surprised how I still have a bit of hope left that everything will work out eventually!

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