Kui mul blogimises tuleb sisse suurem paus (nagu praegu), siis ei ole see suure tõenäosusega tingitud sellest, et ma oleks mõne jalgratta alla jäänud, vaid ikka pigem sellest, et ma tegelen põhiliselt õppimisega. Ja kes sellest ikka lugeda tahab, et ma tegelen Euroopa integratsiooni uurimisega, või loen järjekordselt Edward Said'i "Orientalismi" ja üritan mitte närvi minna selle peale, et tüüp endise järjekindlusega ironiseerib selle üle, kuidas orientalistid (ehk siis üldiselt Lääne-Euroopa inimesed) on Hommikumaades elavaid inimesi oma 'teaduslikes uuringutes' näidanud. Ausalt ka, alguses võib ju olla põnev lugeda, kuidas araablased on laisad ja lapsikud ning et nende lemmiktegevus on kaamliga ringi sõitmine ja maha sülitamine, kuid lugeda sellest nii 300+ lehekülge järjest on ülimalt tüütu. Praeguseks olen ma juba peaaegu et ära harjunud sellega, et magister UvA's tähendabki hullu tööd ja seda vaid kahe aine korral. Vahel mõtlen ma heldimusega tagasi TTÜ aegadele, kus ka kolm korda rohkem aineid võttes oli ikka kolm korda rohkem aega. Nojah, see seal oli bakalaureus, aga siiski. Ja et mul kohe üldse igavaks ei läheks, tõin ma endale raamatukogust (Ja milline raamatukogu see veel oli! Marmorist sammastega, nagu loss!) veel 6 raamatut Talibani kohta, et alustada Orientalismi kursusel nõutud lõputööd. Justin hiljem küsis minult, et kas ma igaks juhuks mõne raamatu pommi valmistamise kohta ka võtsin. Nimelt oleks mind näiteks USAs vaadeldud kui võimalikku terroristi sellise suure Talibani-huvi peale. Nojah, pommiraamat oleks mind siis ilmselt juba mõneks ajaks trellide taha saatnud.
If I stop blogging for a while (like now) then it usually doesn't mean that I've been run over by a bike, but rather that I'm busy with studying. And who would really be interested in reading how I research the European integration or how I'm continuously reading Edward Said's "Orientalism" and trying not to be annoyed by the fact that the guy is STILL trying to be ironic about the ways how the Orientalists (the Westeners) have shown the people in the Orient in their 'scientific resarches'. Honestly, maybe it was a bit interesting to read at first how the Arabs are lazy and childlike and their hobbies are riding around with a camel and spitting on the ground, but reading about it for 300+ pages gets annoying. I am already almost used to the idea that a masters at UvA means a lot of work and this with only two courses. Sometimes I think back at the Tallinn Technical University times, where I took three times more classes and still had a lot more free time. Sure, it was only a bachelour, but still. And to make sure I won't get bored at all, I got myself from the library (And what a library it was!! It had marble pillars, like a castle!) 6 books about the Taliban to start with my paper for the Orientalism class. Justin asked me later if I also took some books about how to make a bomb. Apparently I would have been a suspect for the terroristhunters in USA for my weird interest in Taliban. And a book about bombmaking would have surely sent me behind the bars for some time.
If I stop blogging for a while (like now) then it usually doesn't mean that I've been run over by a bike, but rather that I'm busy with studying. And who would really be interested in reading how I research the European integration or how I'm continuously reading Edward Said's "Orientalism" and trying not to be annoyed by the fact that the guy is STILL trying to be ironic about the ways how the Orientalists (the Westeners) have shown the people in the Orient in their 'scientific resarches'. Honestly, maybe it was a bit interesting to read at first how the Arabs are lazy and childlike and their hobbies are riding around with a camel and spitting on the ground, but reading about it for 300+ pages gets annoying. I am already almost used to the idea that a masters at UvA means a lot of work and this with only two courses. Sometimes I think back at the Tallinn Technical University times, where I took three times more classes and still had a lot more free time. Sure, it was only a bachelour, but still. And to make sure I won't get bored at all, I got myself from the library (And what a library it was!! It had marble pillars, like a castle!) 6 books about the Taliban to start with my paper for the Orientalism class. Justin asked me later if I also took some books about how to make a bomb. Apparently I would have been a suspect for the terroristhunters in USA for my weird interest in Taliban. And a book about bombmaking would have surely sent me behind the bars for some time.
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