Eile otsustas Jamie, et kuna me oleme Prantsuse köögiga juba tuttavad (soolased koogid!), oleks aeg pakkuda meile midagi head ja hiinapärast. Meie olime kõik sellega muidugi väga nõus - millal tudeng enne tasuta toidust ära oleks öelnud? Igatahes jõudis Jamie oma kompsudega kohalikust Hiina linnast (või siin on see pigem Hiina tänav) koju ja asus köögis toimetama. Mõne aja pärast koputas ta mu uksele ja küsis, et kuna mina olen meie maja parim riisivalmistaja, siis kas ma võiks tal aidata riisi keeta. Kööki jõudes tuli välja, et teised olid talle juba oma abi pakkunud, kuid tema soovis resoluutselt, et mina riisi keedaks. Kompliment missugune, ja veel Singapuri hiinlaselt! Kohe alguses, kui tuli välja, et Jamie riisi keeta ei oska, olime me kõik üllatunud. Väga üllatunud. Kuni Justin tegi ettepaneku, et me peaksime oma majutusfirmale teada andma, et meile saadetud hiinlane on defektiga, tahame uut, kes riisi ka keedab. Seepeale Jamie teatas, et ta oskab riisi keeta küll, aga tal on selleks riisikeedumasinat vaja. Tundub, et eile oli Jamiel üldse üks tee-Kadrile-komplimente-päev, sest kuuldes, kui vana ma olen, ei uskunud ta mind esialgu. Tema arvas, et ma olen nii 3-4 aastat noorem. Juhhei! Tähendab, hästi säilinud!
Yesterday Jamie decided that as we have already been introduced to the French cuisine (salty cakes!), it would be nice to offer us something chinese. We of course happily agreed with the plan as a student never says no to free food. Anyway, Jamie got back with some cans and tins from the local Chinatown (or rather a Chinastreet) and started cooking in the kitchen. After a while he knocked on my door asking that as I was the best in cooking rice in our flat, could I help him with that. As I got to the kitchen, it appeared that others had already offered him their help, but he requested me to do it. What a compliment coming from a Singaporean Chinese! Quite in the beginning, when we found out that Jamie can't make rice, we were really surprised. Until Justin suggested that we should let our housing company know that the Chinese guy they sent us is defected and that we would like to get a new one who can make rice. Thereupon Jamie said that he can cook rice, but he needs a ricecooker for that. It seems that yesterday was a compliment-Kadri-day for Jamie, as when he heard how old I am, he didn't believe me at first. He thought I'm 3-4 years younger! Awesome! Apparently I'm well preserved!
Yesterday Jamie decided that as we have already been introduced to the French cuisine (salty cakes!), it would be nice to offer us something chinese. We of course happily agreed with the plan as a student never says no to free food. Anyway, Jamie got back with some cans and tins from the local Chinatown (or rather a Chinastreet) and started cooking in the kitchen. After a while he knocked on my door asking that as I was the best in cooking rice in our flat, could I help him with that. As I got to the kitchen, it appeared that others had already offered him their help, but he requested me to do it. What a compliment coming from a Singaporean Chinese! Quite in the beginning, when we found out that Jamie can't make rice, we were really surprised. Until Justin suggested that we should let our housing company know that the Chinese guy they sent us is defected and that we would like to get a new one who can make rice. Thereupon Jamie said that he can cook rice, but he needs a ricecooker for that. It seems that yesterday was a compliment-Kadri-day for Jamie, as when he heard how old I am, he didn't believe me at first. He thought I'm 3-4 years younger! Awesome! Apparently I'm well preserved!
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