Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kuidas Maud'il juhtub / How it Always Happens to Maud

Ma ei ole veel eriti pikalt peatunud teemal minu korterikaaslased, seega on vist viimane hetk seda teha. Niisiis, kokku on meid viis ja peale minu elavad siin veel sakslanna Helen, prantslanna Maud, ameeriklane Justin ja singapurlane Jamie. Nad kõik on äärmiselt toredad ja ma pean ütlema, et vähemalt hetkel on meie suhted igati harmoonilised. Mis muidugi ei tähenda seda, et kõigil meist omi kiikse poleks. Kuna eilne õhtu oli Maud’i õhtu põhjusel, et tal on täna sünnipäev, oleks igati aus temaga algust teha. Tegelikult oleks heaks põhjuseks ka see, et tundub, et tema on see, kellel ikka juhtub. Maud on see, kes kogu aeg ära kaob, kelle järgele tuleb pidevalt oodata ja kellele tuleb asju üha uuesti meelde tuletada. Ilmselt on põhjuseks lihtsalt see, et ta pea on pidevalt pilvedes (ja see ei tähenda, et ta ise oleks pilves!) ja ta lihtsalt ongi selline. Lillelaps, kes pidevalt unustab end lillekesi ja linnukesi vaatama ja seetõttu ajataju kaotab.
Kuigi ta sünnipäev on täna, pidasime me seda eile õhtul, sest 3 tema sõbrannat Prantsusmaalt olid talle külla sõitnud. Õhtusöögini läks kõik hästi, isegi peale tortillade söömist oli kõik veel suurepärane. Umbes sinnani kuni üks Maud’i sõbranna ja Jamie hakkasid šokolaadikooki tegema. Tainas oli juba eelnevalt valmis, seega tol hetkel oli vaja see vaid vormidesse panna ja ahju lükata. Mingil hetkel hakkasid nood kaks meeletult kihistama ja ma läksin uurima, mis toimub. „Kuule, proovi seda tainast!“ ütlesid nad mulle ja kuna see lõhnas päris meeliülendavalt šokolaadiselt, siis ma väga vastu ei puigelnud. Tainas aga ei maitsenud absoluutselt nii nagu ma ette olin kujutanud. See oli tulisoolane! Sel hetkel hakkas mu aju eriti kiiresti tööle. Mida ma nüüd ütlen? Äkki see peabki selline olema ja kui ma ütlen neile, et see on kohutav, solvan ma prantslasi ja kogu nende kuulsat Prantsuse kööki! Peale lühikest hämmeldunud pausi küsisin ma neilt: „Kas see peabki nii soolane olema?“ Tuli välja muidugi, et ei pidanud ja et Maud oli neile kogemata suhkru asemel soola andnud. Ma ei usu, et keegi meist ülimalt üllatunud oleks olnud, sest see on täpselt üks neid asju, mis teeb Maud’ist Maud’i. Sellised asjad lihtsalt juhtuvad temaga. Asi, millest ma aru ei saa, on muidugi see, et miks ta arvas, et zout on suhkur.
Igatahes sai nende koogikestega sel õhtul veel kõvasti nalja, sest kui sul on vaagnatäis ilusaid hästilõhnavaid koogikesi, siis peab neid ju ikka teistele pakkuma. Ja esimesed reaktsioonid, avastades, et oled hammustanud midagi tulisoolast, olid täiesti hindamatud.
Õnneks olime me eelnevalt Maudi jaoks ühe juustukoogi teinud (suhkruga!) ning seetõttu oli sünnipäev päästetud! Mis sünnipäev see ikka on, kus kooki ei saa.
Muide, õhtul läheme oma esimesele kontserdile Amsterdamis. Stars! Kohe, kui ma kuulsin, et nad siin esinevad, mõtlesin ma, et peaks minema. Sest nad on nii head.
Aga kuulake ise: Stars - Your Ex-Lover is Dead:

I haven’t talked too much about my flatmates yet, so I guess it’s about time to do that! So, there are five of us living in this flat and besides me a German girl Helen, a French girl Maud, an American guy Justin and a guy from Singapore, Jamie. They are all very nice and I have to say that at least for now our relationships are quite harmonic. Which surely doesn’t mean that we all don’t have our own quirks. As last night was Maud’s night (as it’s her birthday today), it would be completely honest to start with her. Another good reason would be that she is the one who always manages to create confusion. Maud is the one who we always lose when we go out, who always needs us to remind her things and who always makes us wait for her. I guess the reason is that her head is in the clouds all the time and she just is like that. A flowerchild who always forgets herself watching some flowers and birdies and therefore completely loses her track of time.
Even though her birthday is today, we celebrated (or well, started to celebrate it) last night as her three French friends were here. Everything went fine until the dinner, actually everything was great even after having some tortillas. Until Jamie and one of Maud’s friends started making a chocolate cake. The dough was already prepared, so at that point they just needed to put it in the oven. Suddenly I heard some wild giggling and went to check out what’s going on. „Heey, try this dough,“ they suggested and as it smelled nice and chocolatey, I didn’t mind trying. But it didn’t taste at all as I expected it to taste. It was salty as hell! At this point my brain started to work in full speed. What will I say now? Maybe it has to be like that and if I tell them it’s horrible, I will insult all the French and their famous cousine! After a small pause I asked them: „This cake is supposed to be salty?“ And as it appeared, sure not and that Maud had accidentally given them salt instead of sugar. I don’t think anyone of us was too surprised as that’s exactly one of the things you would expect from Maud. Things like that just happen to her! But I still don’t understand how she was so sure that zout is sugar (it sounds more like salt, doesn’t it?).
Anyway, we had a lot of fun with those cakes that evening as if you have a plate full of nice pastries that smell like heaven (and they did!), then you have to offer them to others. And the first reactions of the people as they discover that they have their mouths full of salt, are pretty priceless! Luckily we had made a cheesecake (with sugar!) for Maud already, so therefore it’s quite fair to say, her birthday was saved! It’s not a real birthday if there’s no cake.
By the way, we’ll go to our first concert in Amsterdam tonight! Stars is performing! As soon as I heard they will play here, I knew I had to go there. Because they are just that good.
But you should check it yourself. One of my favourite songs from them: Stars – Your Ex-Lover Is Dead:

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