Oma arvamust hollandlastest olen ma juba piisavalt jaganud, seega jätan nad hetkeks rahule. Siiski on Amsterdamis ka peale hollandlaste palju seda, millest ma päris hästi aru ei saa. Üheks anomaaliaks siin on tänavanumbrid. Kui ma olen näiteks maja number 162 juures ja mul on vaja minna maja number 1 juurde, siis Eestis tähendaks see ühte üsna pikka jalutuskäiku. Amsterdamis üldjuhul ei tähenda, sest tavaliselt avastad sa jalutades, et umbes 100 numbrit on vahepealt ära jäetud. Ehk siis, kui ühel pool ristmikku on maja number 120, siis on vägagi tõenäoline, et teiselpool jätkuvad numbrid alates 18. Jah, ja tänav kannab endiselt sama nime.
Teine suur anomaalia minu jaoks on ilm. Ärkan üles, vaatan aknast välja ja näen, et õues on imeilus ilm: sinine taevas ilma ühegi pilveta. Super! Käin duši all ära ja kui tagasi oma tuppa jõuan, on akna taga just parajasti sadama hakanud. Mulle tundub, et siin pole vihmasaju jaoks pilvi vajagi. Ladistab hullemat padukat, ent taevasse vaadates ei saa kohe üldse aru, kust see vihm tuleb, sest taevas on täiesti selge. Mitte just päris sinine, aga äärmiselt hele. Seega tuleb hommikul kodust lahkudes kaasa pakkida nii vihmavari kui päikeseprillid ja vaid vahel harva ei lähe neist kumbagi vaja.
I think I have already made it clear, how I feel about the Dutch so it would be only fair if I leave them alone for a moment. Nevertheless, even without talking about the Dutch, there are some things I do not understand here. One of the anomalies here are the street numbers. For example, if you stand in front of the building number 162 and need to go to the building number 1, then in Estonia it would mean a long walk. In Amsterdam it usually doesn't as you might as well discover that they have forgotten about 100 numbers inbetween. So if you are walking along the street and on one side of the intersection you have the building number 120, then it is very likely that on the other side of the intersection, the numbers go on from 18. Yes, and the street still has the same name.
Another big anomaly here is the weather. I wake up, look out of the window and see that the weather is just perfect: blue sky and no clouds. Great! When I get back to my room after taking a shower, I discover that it's raining outside. Somehow it seems to me that here you don't really need clouds for the rain. It might be raining cats and dogs, but if you look up to the sky, it's totally unclear where all that rain is coming from as the sky is really clear. Not blue, but very light. So it is quite useful to pack both the umbrella and the sunglasses to your bag as you leave your place in the morning. It happens really rarely that you won't need neither of those things.
Teine suur anomaalia minu jaoks on ilm. Ärkan üles, vaatan aknast välja ja näen, et õues on imeilus ilm: sinine taevas ilma ühegi pilveta. Super! Käin duši all ära ja kui tagasi oma tuppa jõuan, on akna taga just parajasti sadama hakanud. Mulle tundub, et siin pole vihmasaju jaoks pilvi vajagi. Ladistab hullemat padukat, ent taevasse vaadates ei saa kohe üldse aru, kust see vihm tuleb, sest taevas on täiesti selge. Mitte just päris sinine, aga äärmiselt hele. Seega tuleb hommikul kodust lahkudes kaasa pakkida nii vihmavari kui päikeseprillid ja vaid vahel harva ei lähe neist kumbagi vaja.
I think I have already made it clear, how I feel about the Dutch so it would be only fair if I leave them alone for a moment. Nevertheless, even without talking about the Dutch, there are some things I do not understand here. One of the anomalies here are the street numbers. For example, if you stand in front of the building number 162 and need to go to the building number 1, then in Estonia it would mean a long walk. In Amsterdam it usually doesn't as you might as well discover that they have forgotten about 100 numbers inbetween. So if you are walking along the street and on one side of the intersection you have the building number 120, then it is very likely that on the other side of the intersection, the numbers go on from 18. Yes, and the street still has the same name.
Another big anomaly here is the weather. I wake up, look out of the window and see that the weather is just perfect: blue sky and no clouds. Great! When I get back to my room after taking a shower, I discover that it's raining outside. Somehow it seems to me that here you don't really need clouds for the rain. It might be raining cats and dogs, but if you look up to the sky, it's totally unclear where all that rain is coming from as the sky is really clear. Not blue, but very light. So it is quite useful to pack both the umbrella and the sunglasses to your bag as you leave your place in the morning. It happens really rarely that you won't need neither of those things.
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