Loomulikult ei saanud mu eilne kannatuste rada nii kiiresti läbi, kuid lõpuks õnnestus mul tänu Heleni abile leida üles koht UvA lehel, mis kinnitas, et üliõpilane numbriga see ja see (ehk siis mina) on registreeritud kahele kursusele. Hästi, kuna ma selleks ajaks olin juba saanud barbeque’lt koju jõudnud Heleni ja Justiniga kogu seda segadust kiruda, olin ma juba peaaegu maha rahunenud ja mõtlesin, et okei, see on siis selge. Aga muidugi oli asjal konks, sest täna hommikul oma mailbox’i lahti tehes leidsin kirja koolist, kus mulle teatati, et loengud toimuvad kahes grupis. No tõesti. Selle hetkeni olin ma arvanud, et ma hakkan kolmel päeval nädalas koolis käima, kuid kui see grupijutt on tõsi, jääb mul koolipäevi vähemaks. Korraga tekkis mul hirm suure hulga vaba aja ees, sest peale kuuekuulist puhkust tahaks ma ka vahelduseks asjalik olla. Justinil on muidugi teooria, et sel juhul on meil vaja lademeis esseesid produtseerida ja igaks loenguks kaks raamatut läbi lugeda. Siis ma muidugi enam ei kurda, et mul on igav ja teha pole midagi.
Kuna mul oli nagunii vaja koolist läbi minna, et haigekassa jaoks tõendit paluda, mõtlesin, et hüppan ka sekretariaadist läbi. Ehk on nad veidi konkreetsemad, kui ma nende ees seisan ja vastuseid nõuan? Aga nad ei olnud, sest nende sõnul ei saa nemad mitte mingit moodi järele uurida, kes millisesse gruppi kuulub ja soovitasid lihtsalt esmaspäeval kooli minna ja õppejõult järele uurida. Leppisin olukorraga, sest praeguseks tundub mulle, et hollandlaste puhul ei saagi kunagi milleski lõpuni kindel olla. Ikka peab võrrandis mõni tundmatu suurus olema, et kõiki põnevuses hoida. Vähemalt sain ma oma keeleõppe soovi ankeedile ühe sekretariaadi töötaja allkirja, mis tähendab mulle 300€ kokkuhoidu hollandi keele kursustel. Siiski ei ole ma veel päris kindel, kas ma ikka hakkan novembris keelt õppima, sest hollandlased ei oleks hollandlased, kui nad mulle midagi põnevat vahelduseks ei korraldaks.
PS. Teel koju tagasi põikasin korra Albert Heijn’i (siinne suurim toidupoodide kett) sisse ja avastasin täiesti ootamatult teiste mahlade vahelt guaavamahla! Ja nüüd ma mõtlen, et tegelikult võin ma neile hollandlastele kogu selle boheemluse ja kaose andestada, sest vähemalt mahlade suhtes on neil hea maitse!
Kuna mul oli nagunii vaja koolist läbi minna, et haigekassa jaoks tõendit paluda, mõtlesin, et hüppan ka sekretariaadist läbi. Ehk on nad veidi konkreetsemad, kui ma nende ees seisan ja vastuseid nõuan? Aga nad ei olnud, sest nende sõnul ei saa nemad mitte mingit moodi järele uurida, kes millisesse gruppi kuulub ja soovitasid lihtsalt esmaspäeval kooli minna ja õppejõult järele uurida. Leppisin olukorraga, sest praeguseks tundub mulle, et hollandlaste puhul ei saagi kunagi milleski lõpuni kindel olla. Ikka peab võrrandis mõni tundmatu suurus olema, et kõiki põnevuses hoida. Vähemalt sain ma oma keeleõppe soovi ankeedile ühe sekretariaadi töötaja allkirja, mis tähendab mulle 300€ kokkuhoidu hollandi keele kursustel. Siiski ei ole ma veel päris kindel, kas ma ikka hakkan novembris keelt õppima, sest hollandlased ei oleks hollandlased, kui nad mulle midagi põnevat vahelduseks ei korraldaks.
PS. Teel koju tagasi põikasin korra Albert Heijn’i (siinne suurim toidupoodide kett) sisse ja avastasin täiesti ootamatult teiste mahlade vahelt guaavamahla! Ja nüüd ma mõtlen, et tegelikult võin ma neile hollandlastele kogu selle boheemluse ja kaose andestada, sest vähemalt mahlade suhtes on neil hea maitse!
PS2. Pildil on siis minu kool (jajah, see sama, mis asub geiklubi, coffeeshop'i ja bordelli vahel).
Of course my yesterday’s sufferings didn’t come to an end that fast, but finally thanks to Helen I managed to find a document on UvA’s webpage, that stated that I am indeed enrolled to two courses. Alright, as by that time I already had managed to share my emotions with Helen and Justin (and they weren’t much happier than I was), I was already almost done with my complete meltdown and figured that it’s almost solved. But surely there was a twist as today morning when I opened my mailbox, I found an e-mail from UvA telling me that the courses are in 2 groups. What the ...? Until that time I understood that I’ll have to go to the uni 3 days a week, but if this group-thing is true, I will have even less days of school. Suddenly I got a bit scared having way too much free time again as after my extralong vacation I would really like to be efficient for a change. Justin has a theory that in this case we need to write loads of essays and read a couple of books for every class. In this case you won’t hear me complaining that I am bored and I’ve got nothing to do!
As I anyway had to go to UvA to get a document for the Estonian Health Service Fund, I thought I should pay a visit to the secretariat. Maybe they suddenly have more answers when I’m standing there myself? But they didn’t as according to them, they have no way to check to what group I belong to and the only way for me to discover it, is just to go to the uni on Monday.
There was nothing left for me to do so I just thought to do as they suggested. It probably means that I just have to try to understand that if there are any Dutch people involved, then you just cannot be 100% sure in anything. Maybe they just need to have an unknown value in the equation to keep everyone on their toes. At least I managed to get my application for Dutch language classes signed, that means I will get a discount of €300. Nevertheless I am not completely sure if I will start with the language classes in November as the Dutch just wouldn’t be Dutch, if they wouldn’t try building some obstacles on my way.
PS. On my way home I decided to step by at Albert Heijn (a local foodstore chain) and I discovered quite accidentally that they are also selling guava juice! This of course changes the situation and I guess I can try forgiving all this caos and distress, as I have to admit – they do have a good taste when it comes to juices!
Of course my yesterday’s sufferings didn’t come to an end that fast, but finally thanks to Helen I managed to find a document on UvA’s webpage, that stated that I am indeed enrolled to two courses. Alright, as by that time I already had managed to share my emotions with Helen and Justin (and they weren’t much happier than I was), I was already almost done with my complete meltdown and figured that it’s almost solved. But surely there was a twist as today morning when I opened my mailbox, I found an e-mail from UvA telling me that the courses are in 2 groups. What the ...? Until that time I understood that I’ll have to go to the uni 3 days a week, but if this group-thing is true, I will have even less days of school. Suddenly I got a bit scared having way too much free time again as after my extralong vacation I would really like to be efficient for a change. Justin has a theory that in this case we need to write loads of essays and read a couple of books for every class. In this case you won’t hear me complaining that I am bored and I’ve got nothing to do!
As I anyway had to go to UvA to get a document for the Estonian Health Service Fund, I thought I should pay a visit to the secretariat. Maybe they suddenly have more answers when I’m standing there myself? But they didn’t as according to them, they have no way to check to what group I belong to and the only way for me to discover it, is just to go to the uni on Monday.
There was nothing left for me to do so I just thought to do as they suggested. It probably means that I just have to try to understand that if there are any Dutch people involved, then you just cannot be 100% sure in anything. Maybe they just need to have an unknown value in the equation to keep everyone on their toes. At least I managed to get my application for Dutch language classes signed, that means I will get a discount of €300. Nevertheless I am not completely sure if I will start with the language classes in November as the Dutch just wouldn’t be Dutch, if they wouldn’t try building some obstacles on my way.
PS. On my way home I decided to step by at Albert Heijn (a local foodstore chain) and I discovered quite accidentally that they are also selling guava juice! This of course changes the situation and I guess I can try forgiving all this caos and distress, as I have to admit – they do have a good taste when it comes to juices!
PS2. This building on the picture is my university (yes, the same that is located between a coffeeshop, a gayclub and a brothel).
r not u lazy to write in two languages simultaneously? i guess all Estonian readers can understand English well enough :P
ReplyDeleteWell, tell that to my grandma (: And actually I prefer writing in Estonian... I anyway speak English all day long!
ReplyDeletevõibolla kooli asukoht ongi valitud silmas pidades seda kaosest tulenevat stressi, mida kool põhjustab ...:)
ReplyDeleteEt kui närvid on jumala krussis ja juhe koos, siis lähen hüppan mõnest coffeeshopist läbi ja elu on jälle lill? (: