Samal ajal kui Eestis, oli koolivaheaeg ka siin. Siiski tundub, et õppejõud on meie aja võimalikult tiheda sisustamise oma südameasjaks võtnud, sest sujuvalt suutsid nad meie vaba nädala kahe eksamiga totaalselt okupeerida. Vabast nädalast sai seega minu jaoks äärmiselt kiire nädal, mille jooksul käisin ma majast väljas vaid selleks, et süüa osta või oma hollandi keele tundi vändata. Seega, reedel täpselt kell viis (sest see oli meie viimase kirjaliku interneti teel tehtava eksami tähtaeg) otsustasime Galiga end veidi väljas tuulutada. Gali pakkus, et võtame rattad, sõidame Ouderkerk'i ja sööme kooki. Suurepärane, ma olen alati nõus kooki sööma. Siiski, edaspidi tean ma, et kui Gali väidab, et "See on nii-ii lähedal, umbes 15 minutit rattaga," siis tuletan ma endale meelde, et kuna ta on pärit Kanadast, siis see, mis tema jaoks on lähedal, on minu jaoks ilmselt sama kaugel kui Leedu. Või Poola. Ouderkerk, või õigemini, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel ei olnud muidugi sama kaugel, kui Poola, ent kokku sõitsin ma sinna umbes tund aega. Siiski tuleb tunnistada, et Ouderkerk on tõeliselt armas väike küla keset põlde, mis on täis tuuleveskeid, lehmi ja lambaid. Lisaks nägime me teel olles ka paari jänest mööda kalpsamas - täielik maaidüll ühesõnaga. Siiski, 'maakohale' kohaselt oli kohta, kus teed juua ja kooki süüa, suhteliselt keeruline leida. Kõik kohad olid kas liiga uhked, liiga täis või liiga kõrtsid. Siiski leidsime me lõpuks ühe suhteliselt kena lounge, kus mu nööpnõelsuurune šokolaadi fondant jäätisega maksis 10€. Õnneks tõid nad meile ka tasuta kukleid koos mingi tuunikalapasteediga ja kuna minu magustoit kvantiteedi poolest just ei hiilanud (kvaliteedi poolest aga küll!), sõin ma kogu tasuta toidu ära ja olin lõpuks üsna rahul.
Pilte sellest külast, lammastest või jänestest mul näidata pole, sest ma eeldasin, et Gali ettepanek on umbes selline, et 'lähme sööme paar kooki siin samas nurga peal', mitte 'sõidame linnast välja ja läheme ühte eriti nunnusse kohta' ja seega fotikat ma kaasa ei võtnud. Enamuse ajast oli pildi tegemiseks liialt hämar ka ja jäneseid poleks nagunii fotodel näha olnud.
We had an official break from school. Still, it seems that our professors are really worried that we might be bored to death if we get a week off, so they managed to occupy that week with two exams. Therefore, my free week turned into an extremely busy week during which I managed to get out of the house only to buy some groceries or bike to my Dutch class. So, on Friday exactly at 5 (this was the deadline for our last take-home exam) we decided to have a little 'outing' with Gali. She offered that we should take our bikes, go to Ouderkerk and have some cake. Awesome, I'm always in for a cake! Nevertheless, now I know that if Gali tells me something like 'This place is so-o close, about 15 minutes by bike', I have to remind myself that as she's from Canada, her 'close' is for me as far as Lithuania is from Estonia. Or Poland. Ouderkerk, or rather Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, wasn't as far as Poland, true, but still it took me about an hour to get there. But indeed, it was a cute little village between green fields filled with windmills, cows and lambs. Besides that, we also saw a couple of bunnies hopping around - an idyllic countryside. Nevertheless, as we got there, it wasn't so easy to find a place to have a cake. All the places were either too fancy, too full or too taverns. We managed to find a quite nice lounge finally where I had one of my most expensive dessert ever. To make up for it, they also brought us some free buns with some tuna paté and as my dessert wasn't high on quantity (but quality!), I had to eat all the free food and felt pretty satisfied after that.
I don't have any pictures about this village, lambs or bunnies as I assumed Gali's suggestion was something like 'let's have some cakes here around the corner' not 'let's ride out of town and visit a cute little place' and therefore I didn't take my camera with me. Anyway, it was way too dim to take photos most of the time and I don't think you could've spotted the bunnies on the pictures either.
Pilte sellest külast, lammastest või jänestest mul näidata pole, sest ma eeldasin, et Gali ettepanek on umbes selline, et 'lähme sööme paar kooki siin samas nurga peal', mitte 'sõidame linnast välja ja läheme ühte eriti nunnusse kohta' ja seega fotikat ma kaasa ei võtnud. Enamuse ajast oli pildi tegemiseks liialt hämar ka ja jäneseid poleks nagunii fotodel näha olnud.
We had an official break from school. Still, it seems that our professors are really worried that we might be bored to death if we get a week off, so they managed to occupy that week with two exams. Therefore, my free week turned into an extremely busy week during which I managed to get out of the house only to buy some groceries or bike to my Dutch class. So, on Friday exactly at 5 (this was the deadline for our last take-home exam) we decided to have a little 'outing' with Gali. She offered that we should take our bikes, go to Ouderkerk and have some cake. Awesome, I'm always in for a cake! Nevertheless, now I know that if Gali tells me something like 'This place is so-o close, about 15 minutes by bike', I have to remind myself that as she's from Canada, her 'close' is for me as far as Lithuania is from Estonia. Or Poland. Ouderkerk, or rather Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, wasn't as far as Poland, true, but still it took me about an hour to get there. But indeed, it was a cute little village between green fields filled with windmills, cows and lambs. Besides that, we also saw a couple of bunnies hopping around - an idyllic countryside. Nevertheless, as we got there, it wasn't so easy to find a place to have a cake. All the places were either too fancy, too full or too taverns. We managed to find a quite nice lounge finally where I had one of my most expensive dessert ever. To make up for it, they also brought us some free buns with some tuna paté and as my dessert wasn't high on quantity (but quality!), I had to eat all the free food and felt pretty satisfied after that.
I don't have any pictures about this village, lambs or bunnies as I assumed Gali's suggestion was something like 'let's have some cakes here around the corner' not 'let's ride out of town and visit a cute little place' and therefore I didn't take my camera with me. Anyway, it was way too dim to take photos most of the time and I don't think you could've spotted the bunnies on the pictures either.
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