Thursday, October 28, 2010

Politseist ja väljamõeldud korterist / About the Police and an Imaginary Apartment

Kummalisel kombel ei kirjuta ma seekord üldse mitte UvAst. Ja mitte seetõttu, et ma võiks võidukalt hõisata, et kõik on korras, vaid seetõttu, et mitmele järelepärimisele vaatamata on see 52€ makse endiselt arvestamata. Ja ilmselt pean ma järgmisel nädalal taas infokeskusesse minema, et end meelde tuletada.
Tänane teravate elamuste sektor sisaldab endas kohtumist Hollandi korrakaitsjatega. Olin parasjagu tagasiteel joogast koju ning ületasin Waterlooplein'i, kui kuulsin korraga hõiget. "Politsei, kurat!" mõtlesin endamisi ja lülitasin ühe murdosasekundi jooksul sisse oma ratta esitule, et siis juba seadusekuulekalt mundris meesteni jalutada. "Nii, kus su tagatuli on?" küsis üks meestest kurja näoga. "Eee.. kodus," ütlesin ma ja üritasin teha võimalikult süütut nägu. "Kus su kodu on?" küsis politseinik edasi. "Siin samas, kohe loomaaia kõrval." "Okei, kõnni natuke ja siis võid edasi sõita," ütles politsei ja lasi mu tulema. Koju jõudes sattusin ma kokku ääretult tusase Maud'iga kes oli parasjagu mittetöötavate jalgrattatulede eest 35€ trahvi saanud. Sel hetkel sain ma muidugi aru, kui väga minul vedas! Igaks juhuks küsisin ma Maud'ilt üle, kas ta politseinikega ka flirtida üritas, sest kuigi ma ei tea, miks mul vedas (äkki see oli lihtsalt üks sõbralik politseinik?), siis politseile naeratamine ei saa küll kunagi halb olla.
Ahjaa, ja päeva nali? Ühel mu tuttaval on tema ühikatoas radiaator katki ja kui ta majutusfirmasse kaebama läks vastati talle, et nad ei saa midagi teha, sest tema tuba lihtsalt ei eksisteeri nende süsteemis. "Väga hea," vastas too tüdruk, "Kui ma elan väljamõeldud korteris, siis ma ei pea selle eest teile ju raha ka maksma?"

Weirdly, I am not going to write much about UvA today. And not because I could yell victoriously that everything is finally great, but because that even after my repeated inquiries they still haven't managed to process my 52€. Apparently I have to go to the Information Centre again nect week to remind them of my existance.
Today the encounter with local law enforcement managed to made my day rather thrilling. I was just on my way back from the yoga and passing Waterlooplein when suddenly I heard a shout. "F***, police!" I said to myself, switched on my bike's front light in a millisecond and walked to the cops. "Where is your back light?" one of them asked me on a strict tone. "Emm... at home," I said and tried to look as innocent as possible. "Where's home?" continued the police with my cross-examining. "Oh, it's right here, next to the zoo!" "Alright, walk a bit and then you can sit on your bike again," he said and let me go. As I got home, I met a very grumpy Maud who had just gotten a 35€ fine because the lights on her bike weren't working. At this moment I realized how lucky I had been! For any case I asked Maud if she tried to flirt with the police as even though I can't be sure, why I was lucky (maybe the guy was just nice?), smiling to a police officer can't work for your disadvantage.
And the joke of the day? One girl I know has a broken radiator in her room and as she went to the accommodation company to complain about it, they replied that there is nothing they could do as her room doesn't exist in their system! "Very well," said the girl. "If I am living in an imaginary apartment, then surely I also don't need to pay for it?"


  1. Pea püsti! Ükskord me ju võidame nii kui nii! :)

  2. Haha.. neid hollandlasi on siin natuke liiga palju, ma üksi päris vist ei jõua (:
