Kuna täna oli ometi ka päikest näha, tegin ma kesklinna kõndides mõned pildid:
As today the weather was nice, I took some pics on my way to the centre:
Amsterdamis kinnitatakse rataste külge igasugust träni ja üheks populaarseimaks näiteks on kastid. Üldjuhul on need küll igavast mustast plastmassist, kuid milleks massi sulanduda, kui võib erineda! Mõni ehib oma kasti lausa kunstlilledega.
In Amsterdam they like attach all kinds of stuff to their bikes. One of the most popular articles is the box. Usually they are boring, black and plastic, but why to follow the masses if you can be different! Some people even put plastic flowers there.
Imearmas väike pagaritöökoda, kust saab hommikuti endale sooje saiakesi osta.
Precious little bakery.
Blin, Blin, Blin - pood, kust saab Tarhuni, tatart, hapukoort ja vene keeles lobiseda.
Blin, Blin, Blin - the shop, where you can buy Russian lemonade, sour cream and have a little chat in Russian.
Majad Nieuwe Herengrachti ääres.
Houses at the Niuwe Herengracht.
Sint Antoniesbreestraat
Sint Antoniesbreestraat
Nieuw Markt
Somewhere at the Oude Hoogstraat.
Kõige kesksem koht Amsterdamis, Dam. Hetkel tundub küll, et alati turistidest pungil. Vasakul pool asub kohe Madame Tussauds'i vahakujude muuseum.
The most centric place in Amsterdam, Dam. And it seems to be full of tourists all the time. On the left side (not on the picture though) is Madame Tussauds.
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