Selle nädala pidin ma veetma arvutita, sekeldustest kahjuks ei pääsenud. Loomulikult osutus arvuti ülesütlemine sekeldustest suurimaks, sest ilma selleta on hetkel elu mu jaoks peaaegu võimatu.
Igatahes avastasin ma eelmisel pühapäeval, et minu väike valge nunnu on otsustanud hulluks minna. Kuna pühapäeval Hollandis elu seisab, ei saanud ma kohe samal päeval midagi teha. Mõtlesin, et äkki otsustas arvuti lihtsalt vaba päeva võtta ja ehk alustab esmaspäeval jälle vana hooga tööd. Esmaspäeval üles ärgates kustus see lootus üsna kiirelt ja ma sain aru, et ilmselt tuleb arvuti ikkagi parandusse viia. Üks mu kursaõde aitas mul netist arvutiparandusi otsida ning valisime välja ühe tüübi, kes väitis, et töö kiire, korralik ja odav ning kui temalt abi ei saa, siis raha maksma ei pea.
Suurepärane. Hüppasin ratta selga ja olin poole tunni pärast kohal. Tüüp osutus kurja näoga vanameheks, kes elas suitsust kollaseks imbunud seintega koopas. Tema elutuba täitsid suur hunnik juppideks võetud arvuteid ja üks nuustikusarnane koer, kes kohe pai nuruma hakkas. Istusin siis diivanile lootes end mitte ära määrida ning ootasin. Veerand tunni pärast väitis vanamees, et kõik on korras. Suurepärane! Maksin 30€ ja mõtlesin, et ei tea mis otsast sa ta oma kodulehel väita, et see soodus on. Aga siiski, mu arvuti oli ju terve ja see oli kõige tähtsam. Tänasin teda ning väntasin kodu poole, isegi päike, mis end eelnevalt pilve taga peitis, tuli välja. Korraga märkasin tee ääres lehvivat Portugali lippu ja mõtlesin, et üks galão sobiks jamade lõppemise tähistamiseks hästi. Jalutasin kohvikusse sisse ja palusin leti taga askeldavalt mehelt ühe kohvi. Rääkisime veidi juttu ning ma otsustasin, et tegelikult kõlaks üks arroz doce (riisimagustoit) rohke kaneeliga ka suurepäraselt, kuna ma polnud tolle hetkeni veel mitte midagi söönud. Hiljem arvet küsides avastasin ma, et arroz doce oli olnud maja poolt. Ma panen selle tasuta lõuna oma suurepärase Portugali keele arvele. Selleks ajaks oli mu tuju juba äärmiselt hea ning kui ma majast välja jalutasin, peatas mind üks brasiillane, kes seina ääres viinamarju sõi. Ta haaras seinal laiutavalt viinamarjataimelt kobara ja ning ulatas mulle, ise küsides, kas ma olen Portugalist. Sellised märkused teevad mulle alati nalja, kuna esiteks ei usu ma, et ma kuigipalju ühe tumeda portugallase moode välja näeks ja teiseks ei arva ma, et mu portugali keel nii hea oleks, et kellegi ära petaks.
Koju jõudes avasin kohe arvuti, et siis avastada, et mitte midagi ei tööta. Helistasin koopas elavale tüübile ning ütlesin talle, et olen paarikümne minuti pärast seal. Kohal olles avas mees arvuti ja minu suurimaks üllatuseks töötas kõik laitmatult. Sel ajal kui mina seal seisin, suu imestusest ammuli, leidis tüüp, et oleks hea aeg mind veidi mõnitada. “Niisiis, mida sa täna suitsetanud oled?” alustas ta pilkavalt. Ja minu selgitustest hoolimata ei jäänud ta uskuma varianti 'kodus mitte midagi ei töötanud'. Selle asemel hakkas ta mulle selgitama, kuidas arvutit wifi võrku ühendada. “Nii, näed seda ikooni siin, klikid sellele hiire parema klahviga, ühe korra, siis avaneb see aken siin jne.” Sel hetkel läksin ma juba natuke tigedaks. Mismõttes ma maksan 30€ oma arvuti parandamise eest ja selle asemel, et uurida, milline on probleem, otsustab see vanamehenäss mind mõnitada! Sellegipoolest ei hoolinud ta suuremat minu selgitustest, sest selleks hetkeks olin ma ilmselt juba pururumalate tšikkide kategooriasse topitud.
Mis mul ikka üle jäi, pakkisin oma asjad kokku ja tulin tulema. Kodus oli seis muidugi sama, kuid otsustasin, et mulle aitab, selle mehe juurde ma tagasi ei lähe. Rahast olin ma muidugi ilma.
Järgmisel päeval viisin arvuti ühte suvalisse arvutipoodi parandusse. Paljulubav oli juba fakt, et kui üks sealne töötaja mu arvuti lahti tegi, käitus see täpselt samamoodi nagu kodus. Ei mingeid anomaaliad enam. Igatahes jätsin ma oma arvuti sinna ja nad lubasid selle 100€ eest korda teha. Selleks hetkeks olin ma juba piisavalt meeleheitel, et selle summaga silmagipilgutamata nõustuda. Neli päeva hiljem sain ma arvuti kätte ning koju jõudes avastasin, et kuigi nad olid Windowsi ära vahetanud (ja selle käigus mind ka MS Office'st vabastanud) ei kavatsenud mu arvuti end siiski endiselt netti logida. Seega olin ma tund aega peale arvuti kättesaamist taas Computerlandi ukse taga. Minu arvutit parandanud tüüp oli mind nähes üllatunud, end võttis mu kohe jutule. Muidugi tuli välja, et seekord olin ma lihtsalt unustanud ühele nupule vajutada, kuid see tüüp ei tulnud selle pealegi, et mind mõnitama hakata. Seletas hoopis veel paar muud asja ära ja oli niisama väga kena. Computerlandi uksest välja astudes ütlesin ma sellele tüübile, et ma tõesti loodan, et teda enam kunagi ei näe. Ja ma tõesti loodan, et ei näe, ent kui mul veel kunagi mingid arvutijamad ette peaks tulema, tean ma juba, kuhu oma murega pöörduda.
Muide, reedese päeva tegi ilusamaks veel see, et ma sain oma esimese hinde, 8 (meie mõistes 5), ühe Orientalismi koduse töö eest, mille ma olin juba ette ebaõnnestunuks lugenud ning see, et Gali otsustas mind külla kutsuda, et mulle isetehtud pelmeene pakkuda.
I had to spend this week without my laptop and I have to say that at this point my life without it seems almost impossible.
Last Sunday I discovered that my cute white laptop has decided to go crazy. As nothing happens here on Sundays, I couldn't do anything else but to wait for the new week to start. I hoped that maybe my laptop just needed to take a day off, but as I woke up on Monday, I discovered, that it's probably planning to have a longer vacation.
One of my classmates helped me to search for a place to repare my computer and we picked out a guy who said that his service is cheap and fast and if he can't fix it, I don't have to pay. Awesome. I jumped on my bike and was there in 30 minutes. The guy turned out to be a mean looking old man who lived in a house that looked like a cave (also probably because all his walls and ceilings were yellow from the cigarette smoke). His living room was filled with computerparts, but also a spongy looking dog, who was trying to make me pet him. I sat on the couch hoping not to get my clothes dirty and waited. After 15 minutes the oldie told me that everything's working perfectly. Perfect! I paid him 30€ thinking how the hell can he claim on his webpage, that his service was cheap. Nevertheless, my laptop was working again and that was the most important for me. I thanked him and cycled away enjoying the sun that suddenly decided to show itself to Amsterdam. Suddenly I saw a Portuguese flag and decided that a galão would be perfect for celebrating the moment. I walked in the cafe and asked for a coffee from a guy working behind the counter. We talked a bit and then I asked for an arroz doce (ricedessert) with lots of cinnamon as I hadn't had anything to eat until that point. Later, when I asked for the bill, I noticed that the dessert was on the house. I guess I got that “free lunch” because of my amazing Portuguese language skills. By that time my mood was already greay and as I walked out of the café, a Brazilian guy stopped me. He was enjoying the sun and eating some grapes that he was picking from the plant that was growing on the wall. He gave me a bunch of grapes and asked me if I was from Portugal. I always find those questions really entertaining as firstly I don't think that I have too much in common with Portuguese girls and secondly, my Portuguese is not so good that I could fool anyone.
As I got home, I opened my computer to discover that nothing was working. I called the oldie living in the cage to tell him that I will be there in 20 minutes. As I got there, he opened my laptop and to my biggest surprise everything was working perfectly. While I was standing there gobsmacked, he decided that it was a good time to mock me a bit. “So, have you smoked something today?” he asked me derisively. In spite of my explanations he didn't believe me when I told him that nothing worked at home. Instead, he started to explain me how to connect my laptop to the Wireless. “You see that icon here? You have to right click on it, once, and then this window opens etc.” At this moment I got angry. What the hell? I'm paying you 30€ to get my computer fixed and instead of trying to figure out what's the problem this oldie decides to mock me! I guess after this point he just decided not to listen to me any more as I was already categorized as utterly stupid.
There was nothing more left for me to do, so I just packed my stuff together and left. At home my computer still refused to co-operate with me, but I decided that enough was enough and I won't go back to this guy. Even though I felt like I had just been robbed.
The next day I took my laptop to a random computer store to get it fixed. It all started out promising as when they opened my laptop it acted the same way as it did at home. No more anomalies. So, I left it there and they promised to fix it for 100€. At this point I was already desperate enough to agree with the amount without blinking an eye. Four days later my computer was fixed and as I got home I discovered that even though they had changed the Windows (and 'released' me from MS Office in process), my laptop still refused to connect to Wireless. So, an hour after getting back my computer, I was at Computerland again. The guy who fixed my computer seemed to be surprised to see me, but found time for me straight away. Surely it appeared that this time I had just forgotten to press one button, but the guy didn't even try mocking me. He explained me a couple more things instead. As I walked out of the door, I told him that I really hope that we'll never see again. And I really hope we won't, but if I ever have any other computer related issues, I already know where to turn to.
So, Friday was altogether a very nice day that was made even better by a fact that I got my first grade, 8 (so, an A) for a paper in Orientalism that I thought was crappy and that Gali decided to invite me over to eat some home made pelmenis.